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To become a member, fill in this short form to let us know who you are and how to connect with you.
Member Sign-up
When you become a member we’ll keep you updated with our monthly newsletter and send invitations to our spring and fall gatherings.

What does being a member mean?

It means joining a network of people and organizations invested in building healthier lives, a healthier economy, and a healthier world.

Membership in the Collaborative is open to anyone.

It starts with this simple “Handshake Agreement” to be part of the movement toward improving health:

As community members in Oxford County, we work together to build health in every way we can,

from smiling at the clerk at the store, to advocating for better health policies.

We believe that working together is the key to healthier communities and a brighter future.

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Copyright 2021 

by Oxford County Wellness Collaborative

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