Parenting in Challenging Times: Don’t Do It Alone!
Parents need support more than ever. Being a parent is hard enough during a “normal” year and 2020 and 2021 have not been normal. The last year has been a rollercoaster of unprecedented proportion introducing a whole new set of unexpected hurdles. To name a few: remote learning, remote work, Zoom, physical distancing, social distancing, mask etiquette, unpredictable schedules, tighter budgets, higher stress…and oh yeah...a global pandemic. What was considered hard during a “normal” year can feel impossible with all these new uncertainties, stressors and set-backs. And of course, kids pick up on EVERYTHING. So all the parents out there—you ROCK! Give yourselves a break and consider what comes next.
How do we build resilience (the ability to recover from challenges and heal from things which hurt us) in ourselves, our households and our children? Unfortunately, this year will not be the only challenge we face, or our children face. How can we find ways to grow roots so when the storm comes the tree isn’t blown away?
Thankfully we don’t have to ask or answer these questions alone. Maine and Oxford County are lucky to have a rich network of parenting support systems and organizations. These resources include parenting support groups, parenting classes (covering a diversity of topics and ages), resources for parents while in recovery and grief support for children.
Here are just a few of the amazing parenting support communities and activities in Oxford County. Find more through this calendar and resource page.
G.E.A.R. ParentNetwork
April 5 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, Free
Parent Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT— is the best coaching model available to help parents and children ages 2 to 7 to reintroduce joy to their relationship, calm challenging behaviors, increase child self-esteem, and help the child learn to follow the parents’ directions. There are a number of different parenting classes and approaches. PCIT differs from other parenting programs because it works with parents and their children together. PCIT therapists provide parents with coaching support in the moment in using the PCIT skills.
G.E.A.R. ParentNetwork
April 6 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, Free
Traumatic childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, domestic violence, or substance misuse in the home can have long-term physical, psychological, behavioral and economic consequences. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study demonstrates the connection between childhood trauma and a wide array of physical & mental health problems. Despite the trauma in their lives, children can survive and even thrive. Protective factors, including healthy relationships with parents and caregivers, foster resilience in children and help them to overcome early adversity.
G.E.A.R. ParentNetwork
April 13th @ 5pm - 7pm, Free
This interactive workshop we will discuss different IEP situations, your rights under Special Education Regulations and various strategies to promote
positive outcomes. Learn about the importance of writing clear, measureable, SMART Goals to see if your child is moving forward and making the progress
they need to succeed.
Community Concepts
Dates & Times: Fridays 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28 @ 10am–11:30am
Location: Online- Must sign up to receive link
This workshop is designed to help parents raise responsible children who are able to resist negative peer pressure. Parents will learn effective discipline, communication techniques, and how to encourage developmental skills. We all want our children to thrive!
Community Concepts
Date & Time: Mondays @ 11:30am to 12:30 pm
Dates & Time: Wednesdays @ 1–3pm
Circle of Parents is a place to meet with other parents and have fun. It is a friendly, non-judgmental, safe and supportive place to share and learn from other parents. Come celebrate, address parenting challenges, and find information. A place to laugh, learn and grow.
Maine Parent Federation
The first Thursday of every month at noon.
Join Maine Parent Federation for a Virtual Parent Support Group. These meetings are intended to provide a confidential opportunity to connect parents who have children with special healthcare needs or disabilities. MPF staff will be available to answer your questions, hear your concerns, and provide helpful resources for you and your family.