Tips for Raising Incredible Children Through Every Age
(This post was written by guest contributor Leslie Campos from
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Being a great parent might be easier than you think! The secret to raising happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children is not much of a secret at all. Basic but essential parenting practices like being a good role model, talking and listening to your kids, and providing emotional support will help your kids thrive throughout childhood and beyond. Of course, it’s not always easy to adhere to perfect parenting practices, especially when you’re always running short on time. Here are some resources from the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative to help you be the best parent you can be!
Take Care of Yourself
While parents rarely think about their own needs, self-care is essential to good parenting! When you feel calm, content, and energized, you’ll be in a much better position to practice good parenting.
Carve out time to follow your own dreams, whether this means launching a business or going back to school.
Tap into local parenting support systems and organizations when you need a hand.
Build a healthy family support system full of positive people.
Adopt healthy lifestyle habits like clean eating and regular exercise. This will also set a great example for your kids!
Build a Strong Relationship with Your Kids
Creating a close connection with your children will improve trust among family members, reduce the need for discipline, and give your kids the confidence they need to thrive!
Make time for your children every day, even if you’re swamped with work.
Work to build trust with your kids from a young age.
Learn how to correct your children without being overprotective or overly critical.
Encourage Their Independence
One of the best things you can do for your kids is to encourage their independence. This will also make your parenting job a lot easier—it’s a win-win!
Give your kids certain responsibilities around the house.
Don’t try to do everything for your kids. Encourage them to tackle tasks on their own.
Let your kids experience the natural consequences of their actions.
Parenting cannot be distilled into a single article or list of strategies. You can spend years of your life reading every parenting book out there and still not know what you’re doing—and that’s okay! As long as you’re trying your best, you’ll raise some amazing kids.
The Oxford County Wellness Collaborative supports the collaborative work needed to address community health issues like isolation and disconnection. One way we do this is by helping people access the resources they need. Are you looking for a resource? Give us a call! Contact us!